Our products are mainly hand made by Artisan craftsmen in the Islands of Bali, Lombok and Java, and are produced in small family workshops, using traditional methods and local materials such as Bamboo, Rattan and Shell. PlantationDesigns try to buy direct from the Craftsmen and their families, and regularly visit our suppliers to discuss new designs and ideas, and to check on the quality and production methods.
All items are individually quality checked before dIspatch to our customers, and all light fittings are UK sourced and fitted.
PlantationDesigns recycle all of our packaging materials in house, and will always try to use recycled packaging materials to dispatch customer's products. We buy boxes from large companies like supermarkets, that are in brand new condition but have already been used for their initial purpose and would normally be destined for disposal.
We hope you will find our range interesting and unusual, and look forward to being of service
The team at : PlantationDesigns

PLANTATIONDESIGNS have been supplying Interior design accessories and ornaments to Furniture stores in Devon & Cornwall since 2002
Our intention has always been to source Unusual and Unique items that are not generally available through the main high street retailers

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